Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Pride and IGLHRC compared

New Pride is about as small and community based as you can get, being a support group, it is therefore aimed at helping the individual. IGLHRC is an international organization that works with governments, the UN, and national organizations. They both aim to make the day to day lives of all LGBTI individuals better. While with New Pride I will be working with individuals who are struggling to come out, IGLHRC works with groups like New Pride to ensure the support of communities worldwide. IGLHRC strives for legal protection and equal rights for all LGBTI individuals so that there wouldn't be a need for groups like New Hope.

New Hope's parent organization, the Akron Pride Center works as a safe place for LGBTI groups to meet or hold events, also they put together a huge list of all things gay friendly in Akron and all surrounding areas. IGLHRC works to unite grass roots organizations to create safe places for the LGBTI community, which is one of the main goals of the Akron Pride Center. Basically IGLHRC picks up where the Akron Pride Center leaves off. My local organization focuses on the personal level of homosexuality, whereas my international organization focuses on the political and social aspects of homosexuality. I think these two groups work well together because engaging in both can allow you to help change the political inequalities as well as seeing how those political changes effect individuals. I love my work with New Pride, it is quickly becoming the most satisfying work I have ever done. I help people who are facing discrimination and fear because of their sexual orientation and groups like IGLHRC are working so that MORE people don’t have to face the same problems in the future.

Not only is New Pride a support group however, we also aim at education and understanding within the gay community just as IGLHRC works for the same things but on a larger scale. I learned that IGLHRC does not just work for gay, lesbian and bisexuals they also advocate for trans-individuals, which is also something New Pride is hoping to incorporate into future meetings. Both groups aim to educate and break stereotypes of LGBTI. I am teaching participants at our New Pride meetings that individuals within the gay community are just that, individuals. You don’t have to look or act a certain way to be gay, and just because you don’t fit into a stereotype doesn’t mean you are somehow less-gay, or that by fitting too much into a gay stereotype that you are less woman/man. IGLHRC is teaching countries and governments that no matter what someone looks like, or identify as, or who they love all people should be equal under the law.

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