Thursday, February 5, 2009


So I'm Lindsay, I'm a junior (?) this is my first semester at Akron, I transferred from Otterbein which is a private liberal arts college in Columbus. I am working on two BA degrees, one in sociology one in psychology. I took two years off of college between Otterbein and Akron. A big part of the reason I took time off is that I was having a lot of issues with coming out, with certain members of my family and with people I knew in school. I chose the New Hope organization because of those two years I needed to take off. The group deals with young adults coming out later in life, and having been through so much when I came out, the group means a lot to be personally, as well as educationally. Since I'm working in sociology and psychology it will be an amazing opportunity for me to work with this group. I eventually want to focus on sexuality and LGBT issues at the PhD level. I feel like education is first step to ending homophobia and sexism, especially hate crimes, and violence.

Other than that, my fiancĂ©e and I live in Akron with our 3 dogs, a basset hound "Aberforth", a pit mix "Jada", and a keeshond mix "JD"'s a zoo. Tif (my finance) and I are complete opposites but it works well. I'm a dorky bookish type who does nothing but read and research, and she’s a computer nerd who likes sport bikes and fast cars - but like I said some how it works out. I'm a total snob when it comes to art, movies, and music; it's a fault, but everyone's got one. I tend to ramble (if you can't tell) and when given an opportunity to speak about something I know or feel strongly about it's almost impossible to get me to shut up. But I love debates and arguing, especially with someone who really knows the topic and can challenge me or teach me something I didn't know. I am all about activism and generally over load myself with groups and commitments because I want to do everything. I don’t like sports or working out, in fact I don’t think I’ve even been inside a gym since high school. I love swimming though when I was little I wanted to be a mermaid when I grew up (and I’m not kidding that was my goal), or a rocket scientist…I was a weird kid too. In short I'm a big dork, I would chose staying in and reading a good book or having a good conversation over going out ANY day. But I like my dorkiness, I’ve come to terms with it.

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